domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2009

BCG! Forever and Ever

I don´t know what to write about

because it's sunday and tomorrow i don't have to go to the school

Lastly i've thinking a lot about it

what will i do when i haven't to go there

i will miss my friends, the best gift i have ever received since three years ago

( don't feel bad but only a Nick or a Joe Jonas for christmas would be better than you)

Maybe i never tell you this face to face

and i only open my mouth to say stupid or hilarious things

but that's the way i show how much i love you

I was watching the picture when we ate egg at Marin with Condell

an all the people looked at the Backyard Crazy Girls

there aren't crazier girls on the Earth than us

and i love U in the way you are

with love


PS: sometimes we have to say this

sábado, 7 de noviembre de 2009

That Stuff that is into your head and is not useful

Peter Pan Syndrome

is stronger than i've ever though

i don't want to grow older

but grow up...mmm it could be interesting

Before i fall...wait that's a song

Before i grow up

i want to sing good and make it last

i want to fall like a parable and bounce

cause it will be so nice


I change the lyrics i Know

But i'm crazy and pink

and i laugh and smile

because i always wanted to walk under the rain

because i bought a 20's blouse

and i run with a strawberry

i played in the Park

and i loved it

Peace Out!


PS: Check my converse out!
When you look me in the eyes
and tell me that you love
Nick is sick
if he died i would clone him
Because i've got to study Elective English