domingo, 19 de septiembre de 2010
our different summers
(8) If we remember different summers
It's like tossing your heart to see where it lands
Heads is easy
Tails is harder to plan
If we're starting all over again
just be friends just beginning but i hope we will find it again so
again go from here oh (8)
I'm on these days where i don't wanna think about anything
i want to forget about psu, school, prom, fatness and all that stuff
but i head my head because it doesn't let me do what my soul wants.
domingo, 12 de septiembre de 2010
viernes, 27 de agosto de 2010
Just stuff

What a dissapointment you finally are!..And i used to say that i liked you because you were different from all that superficial people but what i see now is that you turned into one of them. I realized that it wasn't a physical or academic feeling, it wasn't what make me pay attention to you because now i have the same but with a empty heart.
Where's the guy that used to talk so softly about romantic and funny things? Maybe he is the one that feel in love with the moon and decided to be with her leaving with me such a stranger that i can't recognize.
martes, 27 de julio de 2010
A happy Day :D
Well, i should be doing maybe another like sleep
'Cause tomorrow i will wake with a terrible face but now
i'm here with all my thoughts surrounding my head and i got to write them.
First, i can't believe that this is my last semester at my school; i mean, a lot of people and specially kids would be hapy with this new but i'm not. Leaving the school means a lot more, means leave so many wonderful people and leave with all this my girl life style with my child's attitudes.
Another thing that comes to my heart in this moment is friendship, even when i know I'M GOING TO CONTINUE seeing my dear friends from BCG i know that will be different because we will have to grow up suddenly and we can say no.
This last time bring me so many hard and together with this so many decissions but there is a curious fact that make me laugh: lastly the last thing that scare me is the damn PSU
Now is time to realize all we have by our sides
'Cause tomorrow i will wake with a terrible face but now
i'm here with all my thoughts surrounding my head and i got to write them.
First, i can't believe that this is my last semester at my school; i mean, a lot of people and specially kids would be hapy with this new but i'm not. Leaving the school means a lot more, means leave so many wonderful people and leave with all this my girl life style with my child's attitudes.
Another thing that comes to my heart in this moment is friendship, even when i know I'M GOING TO CONTINUE seeing my dear friends from BCG i know that will be different because we will have to grow up suddenly and we can say no.
This last time bring me so many hard and together with this so many decissions but there is a curious fact that make me laugh: lastly the last thing that scare me is the damn PSU
Now is time to realize all we have by our sides
domingo, 25 de julio de 2010
lunes, 12 de julio de 2010
pride and prejudice
Like i said previously
i would like to be Valentine
Maybe in that way i could change the world
not mine, but them world
Why don't we say the things we want to?
because we have fears, fear of losing that person
fear of not being a good person i mean, a lot of fears surrounding our head
and at last the only thing left is regrets
I would like to be that simple like elizabeth
sábado, 10 de julio de 2010
So strange to make going crazy, because of the facts and the coincidences.
But the only thing i know is that i want to keep living this life, even when i don't know that my fade is not written.
Because i think that the important thing of the life, is the things that we do
and what we leave into the people's heart.
There are people that need years to change your life, some others need just need one week to make you feel special and there also is some people that won't make you feel anything ever.
There's some people that also change, and overnight you realized that the person you met one day is gone and the only thing you can do is missing him/her.
And at last, i want to say thank you to all the persons who make me feel alive.
PD: rarely, all this time i have felt the sensation like all the people is in love
i feel like all the places say Love is on it's way
Maybe is better to be Valentine and make all the people happy
or maybe is the time to stop writing stories and start to act them
But i wish all this was so easy like it sounds
But the only thing i know is that i want to keep living this life, even when i don't know that my fade is not written.
Because i think that the important thing of the life, is the things that we do
and what we leave into the people's heart.
There are people that need years to change your life, some others need just need one week to make you feel special and there also is some people that won't make you feel anything ever.
There's some people that also change, and overnight you realized that the person you met one day is gone and the only thing you can do is missing him/her.
And at last, i want to say thank you to all the persons who make me feel alive.
PD: rarely, all this time i have felt the sensation like all the people is in love
i feel like all the places say Love is on it's way
Maybe is better to be Valentine and make all the people happy
or maybe is the time to stop writing stories and start to act them
But i wish all this was so easy like it sounds
sábado, 3 de julio de 2010
Never let you go
jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010
i want to write a sad text today

I'm still thinking about
I said pinch me where's the catch this time?
'Cause all seems to be too good to be true
and that's the reason why i can't believe that you exist
Or maybe you only have that perfect flaws that make you more hipnotizing
for me
Maybe you are the only one is goodo enough for me to break my heart
but instead i'm just invisible
and the only thing i can do in the meanwhile is thinking of you like a dream that maybe never become a real fact.
I'm not a princes, this ain't a fairytale
I'm not the one you’ll sweep off her feet,
Lead her up the stairwell
This ain't Hollywood; this is a small town,
I was a dreamer before you went and let me down
Now it's too late for you
And your white horse, to come around
viernes, 7 de mayo de 2010
I said pinch me where's the catch this time?

why life is so short?
why do we spend our time doing things that rarely we enjoy?
Which one is the reason we are here for?
I don't know the answers, but at least
i know some patchs
Try to enjoy, live and laugh
I've felt strange this last time, it's like i've lost something about me
and i don't where it is
i need to find it, I'm going to find me
NO, i don't wanna be afraid
i wanna wake up feeling beatiful today
i know that i'm ok
everyone's perfect in their usual way to be
i just wanna believe in me
martes, 16 de marzo de 2010
Senior Year

It's hard to believe where we are now
sitting in our chairs expecting some material
to process with our tired brains
Yes, that's last year but not all
I 've been sharing a lot with my friends
and thinking in a good way to the final time
yes; i'm thinking about the final and i started just one year ago
but that's the way i am.
Now i write and talk with Cote in english because i want to travel to EEUU
The people who really know me knows my dreams
I love all the world!
I love Chile and i love Backyard Crazy Girls (Even when they like to bother me)
And that's my life
like a summary i could say i'm still being a nerd
but a happy one :)
jueves, 11 de marzo de 2010

Yes i'm happy even when i should be nervous because of the earthquake and all that stuff
but i think there are so many things to feel thankfull about life, and things like that may make us open our eyes and realize what we really want and why we live for.
I don't know, i feel happy and it's a kinda weird i'm almost sure this is all serotonine's fault because mi cool friends and me of course get into a riot! XD
We are the only girls in the whole world that would say i'm hungry let's do something wrong! let's go to buy some chocolat at the grocery!
I love my life, definitely!
Thanks God!
miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2010
Trusworthy :)

There´s always gonna be another mountain
i'm always gonna wanna make it move
always gonna be an awfull battle
sometimes i'm gonna have to lost
Yes, that's the fear
this is my last year and i'm about to be a senior
but that's not bad, i could say that is awesome!
but the fear is still there, like saying
you're not gonna get it
and i've been thinking about that a lot
i mean a lot
and i always think about god
you can dissapoinment now isn't it?
sometimes i wonder why you have given to me all this?
why everything i do make it out right?
and i can't find answers except the fact that you always are with me
you never leave alone and that's why i need
the listening of good
sometimes i feel like my mission here is helping people, and i know that is and i've thinking about it too.
Between Patch Adams and Dr. Gregory House...That's the deal.
A new year, a new beggining
and whatever it takes
here i go for my dream
ain't about how fast i get there
ain't about what's waiting in the other side
it's the climb
Thanks God
for all this summer
for all the friends
for all the moments
for my family
and just everything
it's the climb, that's what matter
but would be great be close to the sky
miércoles, 10 de febrero de 2010
About to leave this town
Yes, i'm almost gone.
But almost so don't miss me yet because there's a lot of Cony for a while XD
i always wanted to say that.
And yes, i'm packing and i'm thinking about what clothes, books and stuff should i bring to the south of chile; because finally after all the mess my family decided to go there doesn't mattering the clouds and the rain ( And because Edgar, cactus and Birmania's bunnies stop doing that weird magic to make me go to the north xD ) and even when the cactus are crying for me.
And here i am, thinking about what to write, with some biology books, My Doctor House Cd and a notebook with some pencils; and mi ipod of course. That's all what i need to survive.
Of course i would like to carry my keyboard and all my sheet music but i can't because there's no space for that, mostly because now i have a puppy called Agustin and it's like my son. Now i understand 16 & pregnant girls when they said how tired they felt with their babies, and mine is a dog xD.
A few days ago i have the most strange dream ever! i mean
all this things have to happen to me! obviously who else?
But at last i realized march is getting closer, i still dreaming about cinderella stories and i have the Taylor Swift's syndrome.
Yes, that my diagnostic. That happen when you get the perfect story and the one thing left is the prince, and acording to my numbers a lot of girls have this illness.
Before i forget about it, i'm always here during Valentine's Day but this time won't be like used to be, so i decided to publish something about that now. Just enjoy! When this video was send it to me, the guy who do that told me you're gonna love it! and he was right! it remainds me Paris jet'aime , a great movie with short stories about love, i adored especially the one with the mime
Be happy!
cry and jump!
PD: i miss LLPP
and i miss chickens!
PD2: the only contact with technology will be my cell phone!
But almost so don't miss me yet because there's a lot of Cony for a while XD
i always wanted to say that.
And yes, i'm packing and i'm thinking about what clothes, books and stuff should i bring to the south of chile; because finally after all the mess my family decided to go there doesn't mattering the clouds and the rain ( And because Edgar, cactus and Birmania's bunnies stop doing that weird magic to make me go to the north xD ) and even when the cactus are crying for me.
And here i am, thinking about what to write, with some biology books, My Doctor House Cd and a notebook with some pencils; and mi ipod of course. That's all what i need to survive.
Of course i would like to carry my keyboard and all my sheet music but i can't because there's no space for that, mostly because now i have a puppy called Agustin and it's like my son. Now i understand 16 & pregnant girls when they said how tired they felt with their babies, and mine is a dog xD.
A few days ago i have the most strange dream ever! i mean
all this things have to happen to me! obviously who else?
But at last i realized march is getting closer, i still dreaming about cinderella stories and i have the Taylor Swift's syndrome.
Yes, that my diagnostic. That happen when you get the perfect story and the one thing left is the prince, and acording to my numbers a lot of girls have this illness.
Before i forget about it, i'm always here during Valentine's Day but this time won't be like used to be, so i decided to publish something about that now. Just enjoy! When this video was send it to me, the guy who do that told me you're gonna love it! and he was right! it remainds me Paris jet'aime , a great movie with short stories about love, i adored especially the one with the mime
Be happy!
cry and jump!
PD: i miss LLPP
and i miss chickens!
PD2: the only contact with technology will be my cell phone!
domingo, 31 de enero de 2010

i think these days have helped me to realize a lot of things and to appreciate all what i have around and how the little things really help you to understand what you really want and why you really want this. I know this year will be very hard but i know we can totally do it with some effort and sacrifices but the reward will be great.
I think this summer have totally changed but in a good way, i mean i have met so many wonderful people, mi future work partners jaja
I realized that during the summer i do some weird thing:
1) i miss math handouts xD
2) i feel a kinda guilty for doing nothing
3) i miss LLPP
4) i upload a reggeatoon ( whatever it is wrote) song to my mp4 and i don't know why.
5) i get sick of chilean famous people. Lastly angie alvarado got the 75% of the Tv following her but Thanks God you bring us the huge little girl!
6) i'm still bitting my nails xD
7) i play the keyboard
8) i get a little bit romantic because of the music.
9) i become a kind of outgoing person through internet
10) i spend a lot of time in front of the computer.
11) ilisten to music so many hours
12) i write fairy tales based in the reality
I'm so tired of trash tv, i mean all the damn day showing famous and their stupid things
OMG! i'm so popular , i'm not spending time in my house
now i know how do you feel when you are a popular girl xD
domingo, 24 de enero de 2010
he took a look to the inside with that lost eyes passing through the glass, he watched carefully, he though and he felt arranged to get into that cybernetic jungle. He paid the right quantitie of money of a wasted hour and he could be into that world of binary codes not knowing why he was doing there. He found love, money and friendship disguised with sweet masks but inmediately he realized that it couldn't full him and he went away defeated by the embarrasing fact of living into a plastic and superficial world.
who could have in this world the freedon of releasing to it without prejudices or self- esteem problems?
PD: i wasn't writing for a long time because i was spending my time between biology and fic but now i'm back!
sábado, 16 de enero de 2010
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