viernes, 27 de marzo de 2009

ionlywrite eeinganyimage

look at the sky poor girl

and still dreaming with fairies tales

the only thing you can win

is get and get and get hurt yourself

because you don't want to understand

that magic doesn't exist

but like people says magic is believing
poor clueless girl
does not want to see the truth
*Bretodeau that's the name that you looked for

domingo, 22 de marzo de 2009


Right here, right now

I'm looking at you

and my heart loves the view

' cause you mean everything

'Cause right now is you and me

I don't know anything

anybody understand what i'm talkin' about

i'm trying to explain what i feel

but i can't

i want go out

but i don't

totally confused

but i just think about life and it makes me smile

and i wait and get relax
and everybody looks at me
because i just walk and walk , and i'm not worry
so i go straight to the end of the way

martes, 17 de marzo de 2009

The world is so in love,


everything remembers me about love

songs, notes, my psychology teacher

but i just run away from this and waste my time

making movies into my mind and adding their respectives soundtracks

i'm so unromantic but i'm like this

what can i do for me? nothing

because the story that i'm looking

is not here

the perfect prince doesn' exist

and the life goes on without you

martes, 10 de marzo de 2009

Romeo and Juliet

Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone. I’ll be waiting, all there's left to do is run. You’ll be the prince and I’ll be the princess. It’s a love story, baby just say: yes.

domingo, 8 de marzo de 2009

1era semana de clases

here is all what i write during the whole week while everybody was listening to the teacher
if you don't read this here, read it in my back cover of my notebook
my mind flies to another dimension and i just write anything appears in my head

(8) Everyday of our lives, wanna find you there
wanna hold on tigh
gonna run while we're young and keep the faith (8)

I definitely think my first day of clas will be good it will be ok
i write while my teacher read the stupid rules i will never break
the only thing i can break is glass

Trying, trying to understand
let your mind fly
'cause you are dreaming

feel the fear it's comming for you

think about it ..........dreams come true just a few times

(8) i've got a lot of things , i have to do
all this distractions a future is coming soon
we've been pulled a hungred different directions
but whatever happens i know i've got you (8)

i'm bored , i'm sleepy i need to sleep a little bit more

i wanna go out

don't reflex mirrors
reflex your feelings

(8) i said pinch me where's the catch this time (8)

that's all

lunes, 2 de marzo de 2009

Conversaciones Registradas

-O sea podriamos decir que somos anormales

-no especiales

-todo el mundo cambia excepto nosotras

-Que ñee atravesar en el medio de la calle

-por que ñee? mas ñee el que se devuelve a la esquina!

- jajajaa

A veces me pregunto porque no vivo las cosas de una tipica pelicula adolescente

quizas por eso, son peliculas

Es una lastima que te vayas Nay, de verdad, ya no nos veremos muy seguido pero se que hablaremos

recuerda que no tienes que demostrarle nada a nadie

y vuelve cuando quieras

otra cancion que me encanta

(8)You fled from medication cuz it only causes painYou wont go to the doctor he keeps calling you insaneYou're lost even when you're when you're going the right wayYou mean the world to me even though you might be crazy(8)