sábado, 3 de octubre de 2009

Forgetting some stuff

That happens when you have a good memory

the perception is so good that you remember everything

Or everythin remainds something?

It doesn't matter now

but having a good is this a positive or negative quality?

What happen with the insane people that can't forget?

that's the problem for being a little bit accumulator

you don't let anything run away

but at the same time you don't take any chance

You remember things about it

or things remaind you about that?

Just forget it

like you used to say you did

like everyone does

The intellectual word for today= Godforsaken= When God forgets about it

PS: The picture has nothing to do here, i still remembering this grade with so much love.

2 comentarios:

  1. Por eso prefiero la "memoria selectiva", con ella recuerdas solo lo que quieres o realmente te importa recordar... pero puede ser contraproducente si no se tiene un buen criterio para soltar algo o para retener algo importante, me ha pasado....
    se que dices mas cosas pero me quedo con lo primero.

  2. (aunque aún no se si me pasa solo a mi...)
