martes, 16 de marzo de 2010

Senior Year

It's hard to believe where we are now
sitting in our chairs expecting some material
to process with our tired brains
Yes, that's last year but not all
I 've been sharing a lot with my friends
and thinking in a good way to the final time
yes; i'm thinking about the final and i started just one year ago
but that's the way i am.
Now i write and talk with Cote in english because i want to travel to EEUU
The people who really know me knows my dreams
I love all the world!
I love Chile and i love Backyard Crazy Girls (Even when they like to bother me)
And that's my life
like a summary i could say i'm still being a nerd
but a happy one :)

1 comentario:

  1. That's the spirit!!!! I think is so cool that you write and talk in english....

    It's so incredible how fast the time past. I think you're an amazing girl and a terrific friend (Obviously in the good way of the word)and I'm really glad to share with you every day.
    I know you'll do all the things that you want, no matters how easy or dificult that might be.

    I love you too!!!!



    PS: Remember you have to include our new words (awesome, amazing, aweful, terrific,etc.)
