sábado, 10 de julio de 2010


So strange to make going crazy, because of the facts and the coincidences.
But the only thing i know is that i want to keep living this life, even when i don't know that my fade is not written.
Because i think that the important thing of the life, is the things that we do
and what we leave into the people's heart.
There are people that need years to change your life, some others need just need one week to make you feel special and there also is some people that won't make you feel anything ever.
There's some people that also change, and overnight you realized that the person you met one day is gone and the only thing you can do is missing him/her.
And at last, i want to say thank you to all the persons who make me feel alive.

PD: rarely, all this time i have felt the sensation like all the people is in love
i feel like all the places say Love is on it's way
Maybe is better to be Valentine and make all the people happy
or maybe is the time to stop writing stories and start to act them
But i wish all this was so easy like it sounds

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